How to get Facebook / Instagram (Meta) Leads in to CRM

How can I get all the comments data from Facebook / Instagram (Meta) ?

Hi Vishal! You can integrate with Pabbly or Zappier and get the social media leads in CRM . Another way few our clients are using is have your Facebook / Instagram ads redirect on WhatsApp if you already have WhatsApp Integration. And from WhastApp you can have these leads captured in CRM using Gallabox or similar third party WA integration.

Let me know if any queries.


Yes, You can get the leads into CRM, for that you need to have Pabbly or zapier and need to integrate with Sangam CRM. Please find below document of both pabbly and zapier.

Integrating Facebook with Sangam using Pabbly.pdf (2.8 MB)

Zapier (Facebook Ads) Integration Document.pdf (1.6 MB)

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Also One of our parnter @SanketBarot has created wonderful video for this integration. you can also refer to this.


Hi It was a great video. But my actual query is related to website. How can I get leads from my website to this CRM. Do I need to buy pabbly for this? and do I need my web developer to help in this integration? or I can do myself ? my web developer already sent me some codes adn api links to integrate to third party software but I am not sure how to use it and where to use it in this CRM.

Yes, it’s Possible. Take the support of your website Developer if you are not Developer,

go to Admin - Sangam API Integration - here you find API URL, Credential, and its Documents, POSTMAN Setup etc.

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Hi @indarxiaolu,

Mr @dipdesai can help you best in this case.

The process for website integration varies based on the platform you have used for building your website.

Hence this requirement needs to be coordinated between Sangam Expert and you website developer.

Also, I would suggest you to please create a separate post for it if the information under this post in not serving your purpose.

OKay thank you for recommendation but they are chinese can’t understand English